Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Universal Laws

If you give Love, you receive Love whether you enter a church building or not! If you give kindness, you will receive kindness whether you carry a halo over your head or not.(Okay, that’s a little extreme) If you give service you receive back in relation to the service provided. If you give out unpleasantness, you receive back things and circumstances that are unpleasant. No ifs, ands, or buts, that is how Universal Laws operate.

1 comment:

Mark Krusen said...

I'm glad your back. I've continued praying I just hadn't had a chance to check back in. I hope all is finding you well.Check out my site if you get a chance. A lot has been going on with me and my wife also.Not quite the challenges you have to face,but quite nerve racking non the less.

The McCormick's

Me and the love of my life, my husband Gregory!